What Would Happen If All Bees Died?

What Would Happen If All Bees Died?

When you step into the produce section of a grocery shop, you’d expect to meet shelves stacked up with fresh crops right? But did you know that if bees went extinct many of those crops would be unavailable?

The consequences of a world without bees stretch far beyond the absence of honey and honeycombs. These tiny insects, often buzzing unnoticed, are the unseen heroes responsible for pollinating over 70% of the world's crops. Bees act as nature’s matchmaker, transferring pollen from plant to plant, enabling them to reproduce and bear fruit unfailingly. Without bees, a significant portion of our food supply would cease to exist.

Food is not the only sector that would be affected if all bees died. We would feel their absence in the healthcare sector and the fashion industry as well. Wondering how? Here are 10 things we need bees for.

10 Essential Things We Wouldn’t Have Without Bees


No buzzing bees, no crisp apples. These busy insects act as matchmakers for apple blossoms, carrying pollen between them to trigger fruit development. Without this vital service, apple trees wouldn't produce the beloved fruits we enjoy year-round.


Imagine supermarkets devoid of vibrant mangoes. These delicious fruits rely heavily on bee pollination. While other pollinators might contribute, bees play a significant role in ensuring proper fruit development. Without their help, the sweet and juicy mangoes we love might become a rare treat.


The soft cotton in your clothes wouldn't exist without bees. They play a crucial role in cotton plant reproduction by transferring pollen between flowers and ensuring the development of the fluffy, white fibers we use in countless everyday products. Without bees, purchasing a simple t-shirt would become a luxury.


Your morning cup of goodness wouldn't be possible without bees. They act as pollinators for coffee plants, allowing them to produce the coffee cherries that contain the precious coffee beans. Without their help, the global coffee industry would face a major crisis.

Dairy Products

While not directly pollinated by bees, they indirectly support dairy production. Dairy cows rely on bee-pollinated plants, like clover, as a food source. By ensuring the health and growth of clover, bees play a hidden role in the production of milk and other dairy products.

If bees went extinct, we would likely lose all the plants they naturally pollinate and eventually lose the animals that depend on those plants for food.


It might surprise you to learn that some medicinal plants rely on bees for their existence. And many medicines we use are derived from flowering plants.

Clover, for example, used in blood thinners, is one of the plants bees pollinate. Without bees, these plants may find it hard to grow and produce the necessary components for various medications.

Rapeseed Oil

The canola oil you use for cooking and various other applications comes from rapeseed plants. Bees adore these oil-seed rape crops as they are highly rich in pollen and nectar. So you can see how they wouldn't exist without bee pollination. Sadly, oil-seed rape crops are also one of the crops mostly sprayed with pesticides harmful to bees.


From broccoli to carrots to zucchini and more, many vegetables depend on bee pollination. Bees ensure these plants develop healthy fruits and seeds, contributing to a diverse and nutritious diet. Without bees’ help, our plates would miss the fresh, green touch of healthy veggies.


Of course, we can't forget honey! Bees are the beloved producers of this delicious and natural sweetener, enjoyed for centuries. Beyond its sweet taste, honey boasts of various health benefits, and uses in various industries like haircare and skincare, making it a treasured product from these remarkable creatures.

Without bees, this golden elixir would be no more.



The impact of losing our bees wouldn't just stop at these. Bees are crucial for the health of forests. They pollinate trees that provide essential habitats for countless creatures, acting as the green lungs of our planet. The decline of these trees would disrupt the entire forest ecosystem, contributing to habitat loss and further environmental degradation.

Scientists, researchers, and conservationists are working tirelessly to address the threats bees face, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and diseases. These dedicated individuals are developing innovative solutions to protect bee populations and support healthy ecosystems.

But individual action also has a crucial role to play. By acknowledging the vital role bees play and taking action to conserve them, we can rewrite this narrative. Planting bee-friendly flowers in your garden, supporting local beekeepers, and advocating for policies that protect pollinators are all steps in the right direction.

Every action, however small, has the potential to contribute to a future where the buzz of bees continues to nourish our planet and fill our lives with the bounty of nature. Let us make better choices, for the sake of our planet and the generations to come.



NRDC (2022). A World Without Bees? Here’s What Happens If Bees Go Extinct. Retrieved from https://www.nrdc.org/stories/world-without-bees-heres-what-happens-if-bees-go-extinct

Britannica. What Would Happen If All the Bees Died? Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/story/what-would-happen-if-all-the-bees-died

BBC. What would happen if bees went extinct? Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20140502-what-if-bees-went-extinct#:~:text=They%20are%20critical%20pollinators%3A%20they,on%20up%20the%20food%20chain

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